From 40 years experience, here are five of the key bodybuilding lessons I’ve learned: BODYBUILDING LESSON #1 For much of my youth, muscles were more important to me than everything else in my life. I craved to be a professional bodybuilder. School work, social activities, and sport were neglected because[…]

Have you ever had a hard time achieving proper depth in a squat? Experienced poor shoulder mobility? Or simply have tight hamstrings? This can be caused from an improper or insufficient warm-up! IMPROPER vs. Proper Stretching/Warm-up Let’s say today is a heavy-ass leg day, think about what you do[…]

Ronnie Coleman Workout Routine Ronnie Coleman is 8 times Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman used to workout from 11am onwards starting from Monday with the following exercises, and Sunday is the holiday. Ronnie does Aerobic work after he finished the shift as a police officer (In Arlington, Texas, His shift was from 3-11PM from Sunday to Thursday).[…]