Workout Program by Lazar Angelov


Lazar Angelov

I noticed that increasingly more people are interested in Lazar Angelov’s workout program and this interest must always satisfied. I noticed that the internet is full of pictures of him, and this is not for nothing. His body is perfect worked, muscles stand out, is one of the most respected practitioners of fitness.

So let’s see how Lazar Angelov is training. He was a bodybuilder and started quite early to go to the gym, ever since he was a teenager, about 14 years. During workouts he also played basketball.

Lazar believes that nutrition is the foundation of a great body. After all, we spend two hours in the gym, but nutrition unfolds the entire day. He sees life as a push to the chest: if you don’t lift the weight, it will fall on you.

He has created a site to help those who are starting out and do not know where to grasp and are often wrong about certain issues. Also offered for sale including a training model that seems to get pretty good at public. But let’s see his workout program:


Workout program

Monday: Chest

Pushed horizontally bar – 4 sets 8 reps
Pushed the incline bar – 4 * 8
Pushed the bar declined – 4 * 8
Pullover – 4 * 12
Press Hammer – 3 * 12
Pushups in parallel – 3 * 12

Tuesday: Back & Keystone

Row of bent – 4 * 8
Deadlift – 4 * 8
Tractions – 4 * 12
Ramat the cable – 4 * 12
Shrug – 6 * 10

Wednesday: shoulders & abdomen

The neck military press – 3 * 9
Lifting device – 4 * 8
Lateral raises – 4 * 10
Lift in front with a disc – 4 * 10
Lift in front – 4 * 10
Pec deck reversed – 4 * 10
Waving inverse (inclined bench) – 4 * 12
Added weight crunches – 4 sets to exhaustion
Lifting legs hanging – 4 sets to exhaustion
Side slope – 4 sets to exhaustion
Side crunches – 4 sets to exhaustion

Related article:  Mr Olympia Ronnie Coleman's Workout Routine

Thursday is the rest day of your workout program.

Friday Workout Program: biceps & triceps

Pushed the chest with narrow outlet – 4 * 8
Pushed down – 4 * 8
Skullcrusher (horizontal beam extension in Z) – 4 * 10
Back extension cable – 4 * 12
Curl the bar Z – 4 * 8
Curls with large socket – 4 * 8
Alternative Hammer Curls – 4 * 8
Concentrated Curls – 4 * 12

Saturday: legs & abdomen

Squats – 4 * 12
Squat the bank – 4 * 12
Squat on one leg – 4 * 12
Quadriceps extensions – 4 * 16
Straighten the legs straight – 4 * 12
Curls for biceps femoris – 4 * 16
Kickback for buttocks – 4 * 20
Lifting the unit legs – 4 * 20
Raising calves on leg press – 4 * 20
Crunches with added weight – 4 to exhaustion
Bike abdomen – 4 to exhaustion
Side slope – 4 to exhaustion
Trunk rotation with bar – 4 to exhaustion

Sunday you should relax and focus on other things than your workout program.

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  1. Posted by hector, at Reply

    i want to look and feel beter

  2. Posted by malinda de silva, at Reply

    great, so can help me to develop my arms, i mean trisep and bisep ex, now my bisep is 16.

  3. Posted by naseem, at Reply

    programme de musculation

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