Best Bodyweight Exercises for a Shredded Physique

It seems like the friction between hardcore supporters of weight training and hardcore supporters of bodyweight training has existed since the beginning of time. One group says lifting weights is all you need to build strength, mass and improve athleticism, while the other worship the ability of bodyweight movements to[…]

Best Bodyweight Exercises for a Shredded Physique

The Most Common Bodybuilding Injuries

A vast majority of professional bodybuilders are now going to see chiropractors on a regular basis. The trend is rather understandable, especially once you observe the many benefits that come along with it. While consistent chiropractic care is advantageous for the casual person, it’s almost mandatory for those who engage[…]

The Most Common Bodybuilding Injuries

Did you know you can speed up your muscle development and gain muscle if you pay attention to one, very often neglected factor of training – rest periods between sets. You can increase your workout intensity and spend less time in the gym by manipulating the rest time between sets. Reduce rest periods By reducing[…]

Reduce Your Rest periods To Gain Muscle

How Does Sleep Deprivation Affect Your Health and Performance

According to UK researchers, bad sleep can have devastating effects on your body and health. These effects were observed when people’s sleep cycles were cut to less than six hours a night. In a time span of only a week of poor sleeping, the activity of hundreds of genes was[…]

How Does Sleep Deprivation Affect Your Health and Performance

When Is The Best Time To Train For Optimal Muscle Growth?

Will You Get Better Results From AM or PM Lifting? Weight training is key to a bodybuilders success, so it is understandable why they would only want 100% out of their workouts. In order to move the most weight, you have to be at your best, both physically and mentally.[…]

When Is The Best Time To Train For Optimal Muscle Growth?

4 Simple Tricks To Stop Sugar Cravings

Sugar.It’s everywhere. Of course, we can spot the obvious places– like ice cream and cookies, soft drinks and candy bars. But sugar also hides in less obvious places. Did you realise that store-bought spaghetti sauce almost always contains sugar? How about crackers, bread, and barbecue sauce? Even your breakfast sausage[…]

4 Simple Tricks To Stop Sugar Cravings