Get Fit in 5 Minutes: Flat-Abs Workout

Get Fit in 5 Minutes: Flat-Abs Workout

Score a stronger, tighter core despite your crazy-busy schedule

Hit your core from every angle with this fast and effective routine. The equipment-free moves are perfect for tacking on to your cardio workout, but you’ll still results if you only have time for a quick hit of abs.

How it works: Perform each exercise in order for the prescribed amount of time, with little to no rest between moves. The complete circuit should take about five minutes.

You’ll need: Nothing! Just 5 min !

Rotating Single-Leg Plank

Reps: As many as possible in 30 seconds on each side

Begin in an elbow plank with left leg extended behind hip and abs engaged. Shift weight onto right arm and slowly rotate torso to the left (keeping left leg lifted), turning into a side plank position. Hold for 1 count then rotate back to elbow plank without lowering left leg. Do as many reps as possible for 30 seconds, and then repeat on opposite side for 30 seconds .


Reps: As many as possible in 60 seconds

Lie facedown with arms and legs extended (Your body should form a large ‘X’). Extend spine and lift chest and thighs off floor, hovering legs and arms.

Reach right arm and left leg up towards ceiling, maintaining extension and steadying torso, then quickly switch sides (as if swimming). Do as many reps as possible in 60 seconds.

Roll Up and Lift

Reps: As many as possible in 60 seconds

Lie faceup with legs extended at about a 45-degree angle, abs braced, head and shoulders lifted, and arms reaching on either side of knees. Gently lower head back to floor and engage your lower abs to lift hips straight up off the floor, pressing arms down by sides to help control. If this is too challenging, skip the lift and focus on tilting tailbone up towards the ceiling. Do as many reps as possible in 60 seconds.

Related article:  Full Back Workout exercises

Swinging Boat

Reps: As many as possible in 60 seconds

Sit with knees bent and together, feet lifted to knee level, and arms extended overhead (sit up as tall as possible through spine). Shift weight onto left ‘cheek’ and press arms down to outside of right hip. Return to start and repeat on opposite side. Do as many reps as possible in 60 seconds.

Floating Knee Tuck

Reps: As many as possible in 30 seconds on each side

Begin on all fours, brace abs in tight, and lift knees a few inches off the ground (keeping hips below shoulders). Round spine and draw left knee in towards nose, scooping abs in towards back.

Return spine to neutral and extend left leg behind hip (right knee should still be lifted off the floor). Continue this movement for 30 seconds, and then repeat on opposite side. If it’s too tough to keep the supporting knee lifted, keep it on the floor instead.

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