9 Healthy Foods to Include in Your Diet

9 Healthy Foods to Include in Your Diet

9 healthy foods to include into your diet to stay healthy, boost your immune system and improve your well-being.

Green Tea – Green tea is rich in antioxidants, helps to boost metabolism, and is great for helping with weight loss

Yogurt – Yogurt provides your body with calcium, helps to fight off bacteria & also boosts your immune system. Look for probiotic brands.

Dark Leafy Greens – Dark leafy greens are filled with vitamins and minerals for keeping your body healthy. Foods such as spinach, collard greens & kale can be cooked, steamed or eaten raw.

Cereal – Prevent constipation, polyps, and fight against breast cancer by eating a bowl of cereal once a day. Mix in some raisins or nuts for extra flavor and nutrients.

Walnuts – Walnuts are great for muscle growth, stimulates your brain, boosts your immunity and maintaining a healthy heart.

Berries – Berries are a great source of fiber & vitamins. Berries such as blueberry, blackberries, & raspberries. Berries are rich in antioxidants for treating diabetes and fighting against cancer.

Bananas – Bananas are a great source of vitamin B. They contain potassium to boost your energy and boosting your heart’s health..

Tomatoes – The fruit that acts like a vegetable and is loaded with vitamins for keeping you healthy & protecting your heart.

Olive Oil – Olive oil contains monounsaturated fatty acids. Helps reduce the risk of heart disease, and keep a good cholesterol level.

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