Muscle Gaining Plan For the Hardgainer

Muscle Gaining Plan For the Hardgainer

If you want to be big, you have to eat big. It’s as simple as that. And in this article, we teach you how to do it. It’s almost certain you’ve already read something on this topic on the net. But it wasn’t enough. The information wasn’t as specific as you had expected. You want a clearer answer or the “secret” to this great mystery of making real muscle gains. Well, we might disappoint you, but the truth is that there isn’t a secret or a magic pill or a quick fix that will make you the Hulk overnight.

As with everything in life that’s worth having, if you want to be big, you have to work hard and be dedicated. It’s a process, and it’s not as sexy or as easy as the fitness industry would have you believe. In our society of instant gratification, that’s the last thing we want to hear, but there’s no escaping it. So, if you want to spare yourself time and are still looking for that magic pill that’s gonna make you huge, just read a supplement ad or a muscle magazine. But if you’re exhausted from spending endless hours on the net looking for the next fad training program or fad diet, you’ve come to the right place.

If your goal is to gain quality mass, you’ll have to take the same approach to your diet as you do with your training. You have to ask yourself how important your meals are when you’re trying to gain lean muscle mass. Some people are so dedicated that they’d rather miss a workout than missing a single meal. It’s imperative that you into this kind of mentality.

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You should also take into consideration that in terms of dieting for bodybuilding, the one-size-fits-all method will invariably fail. In bodybuilding nutrition, dieting rules are never absolute. Of course, there are overall guidelines which can help you create a custom diet plan, but if you’re serious about bodybuilding you’ll have to make adjustments according to your specific situation and learn to listen to your body.

And it needs to be said that gaining weight is not going to be easy, just like trying to lose weight. It can be extremely hard, both physically and mentally. It’ll require discipline and mental focus, the same as training. But you should not allow yourself to get discouraged. If you’re consistent, in the end, you’ll be rewarded with a great physique.

Meal timing

The first thing you need to do is grab a pen and paper and write a thorough and detailed meal plan you know you’ll never deviate from. Strive to write down as many details as possible. This will minimize the risk of falling off the wagon. Strive to reach 6 meals per day. This means eating a meal every 2-3 hours. Assuming that you’re sleeping for at least 8 hours per day, this means you’ll have 16 waking hours to eat all of your 8 meals. The meals will be spaced out at even 2-3 hour intervals from the time you wake up. Not that you can’t eat 3 or 4 meals a day, but for a hardgainer it will be very hard to be able to consume so much food in 3 meals.

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As we previously mentioned, as soon as you write your meal plan, never stray away from it. You’re asking why! Because the body will need you to get into a rigid diet regimen. It will demand it. After a hard training session, the body will crave the nutrients at the exact same time each day. For example, if you accustom your body to a meal at 12 am., but for some reason you miss it, it’ll start to cannibalize the muscle tissue.

That’s why the first meal needs to be consumed as soon as you wake up in the morning. The last meal should be eaten right before going to bed. There is some contradicting information on the topic of whether one should eat before going to bed, but just to be on the safe side, it’d be better if you had your dinner. As long as it’ not pasta, sweets, and candy, there’s no need to worry. It needs to be noted that during sleep, the body is basically starving. That’s why you need to feed it after the sleep is over. The most commonly suggested breakfast is oatmeal with some protein. We suggest several egg whites, a cup of oats and a piece of your favorite fruit.

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