It is a common question among bodybuilders : “Will Cardio Make You Lose Muscle ?”. And the answer is – Yes, cardio will make you lose muscle.
But Before you decide not to do cardio Exercises lets us know few things about why will Cardio Exercise make you body loss fat and lose muscles. read further.
cardio make lose muscles .This doesn’t mean you have to stop doing all those things, just to build muscle.
The next thing is your daily protein intake.
Without protein intake, you cannot maintain or build muscle.When physically active your body needs about 0.7 – 1.1 g of protein per pound of bodyweight .The protein intake needs to be even higher when doing intense workouts( protein intake should be high when doing cardio workout ) .
Very low carbohydrates are one of the reason for muscle loss.
Doing cardio alone to lose fat is the reason for muscle loss.
The other benefits, you’ll get from cardio workout:
- Development of the circulatory system.While doing cardio more oxygen is pushed through the blood vessels, making them bigger in size and resulting in a greater number of blood vessels.
- Faster waste products exchange
- Increased metabolism and faster calorie burning.
- Weight loss
- Stronger heart and lungs
- Increased bone density
- Reduced stress
- Reduced risk of heart disease and some types of cancer
- Temporary relief from depression and anxiety
- More confidence about how you feel and how you look
- Better sleep
- More energy
- Setting a good example for your kids to stay active as they get older.
Cardio Workout is best for people who want to Loss Body Fat percentage and loss some Extra Weight.
and Cardio Workout for body muscles building once a weak is ok
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