Top 11 Bodybuilding Machine Exercises

Top 11 Bodybuilding Machine Exercises

Some say that using a weight machine should be done early, but what they say, they do not know the effectiveness of using a weight machine.

Having effective workouts to transform your body, it is important that you put in place between the different exercises. So if you use compound exercises each time, then you should surprise your body with an effective force device to build more muscle mass. training
The workout machines we will focus on in this article will be some that are very effective for your different muscle groups and some that a lot of successful bodybuilders love using.

Bodybuilding Machine #1 – Chest Press:
The chest press is a lot like the bench press and is great for your chest muscle, triceps and shoulders.

Bodybuilding Machine #2 – Butterfly
The butterfly can be seen as the machine version of chest flyers and is also found in almost every gym around the world.
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Bodybuilding Machine #3 – Lats Pulldown
This is a great exercise for your lat muscle and it is recommended that you pull the bar down in front of your face and not behind it.
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Bodybuilding Machine #4 – Close Grip Pullback
This is another great exercise for your back area. A lot of bodybuilder recommends using the close grip bar with this one, but you can use the wide grip as well.
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Bodybuilding Machine #5 – Preacher Curl Machine
This machine targets your biceps in an isolated way. Focus on keeping your elbows still and only curling your forearms.

Bodybuilding Machine #6 – Shoulder Press Machine
Another great substitution for shoulder press without free weights. Focus on keeping your back straight and your abdominals tucked in.
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Bodybuilding Machine #7 – Dip Machine
The dip machine is also awesome for your triceps. It is important that you keep your elbows as close to your body as possible with this exercise.P11979691

Bodybuilding Machine #8 – Abs Crunch
The abs crunch machine is a great way to put resistance on your abdominal workout. But really focus on only using the abdominals and you will soon see the difference.
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Bodybuilding Machine #9 – Leg Press
This is an awesome substitution for the squat. It targets your lower body and your gluteus in a great way.

Bodybuilding Machine #10 – Seated Calf Raise
The calf muscles should not be overlooked and this is a great exercise to target those muscles.

Bodybuilding Machine #11 – Leg Curl Machine
You can find a standing and sitting leg curl machine, but switch it up to keep it exciting.

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Related article:  6-Pack Workout – Challenge Upper, Lower And Side Abs

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1 comment

  1. Posted by Farzana Amir, at Reply

    Please can you reply following quarries;
    Is it possible that we can see physical display of these machines.
    How can we order for them to purchase
    What is their cost.