On A Diet? 10 Foods You Should Eat!

On A Diet? !0 Foods You Should Eat!

1. Kale: Kale isn’t considered a superfood just because it looks nice and healthy. This leafy green is practically overflowing with antioxidants, vitamins and fiber!

2. Black beans: Making sure your daily meals are stocked with healthy sources of protein is absolutely key to losing weight. Black beans offer a whopping 15 grams of protein, and absolutely none of the saturated fat found in most protein sources

3. Pomegranates: Not only are these juicy fruits packed full of about 4 grams of delicious fiber, but they are also known to contain cancer-fighting properties!
4. Avocados: Don’t let the fat content of these babies scare you away; avocados can work wonders for your waistline! They contain healthy monounsaturated fats that help you stay full longer than other veggies, so be sure to slip a little of this creamy treat into your next meal!
5. Oatmeal: Eggs for breakfast, day in and day out, can get old really fast, especially when we have to dodge those calorie-dense classics like pancakes and French toast

6. Quinoa: Like oatmeal, quinoa is packed with healthy carbs and grains that will help keep you fuller longer without tacking on any additional pounds. Plus, quinoa is incredibly versatile, and can be transformed through a variety of simple cooking techniques!

7. Green tea: We all know how important it is to stay hydrated, especially when we are trying to lose those love handles. If you’re getting tired of chugging water, why not swap it out for a mug of green tea? Green tea has tons of antioxidants that will up your fat burn and help you shed that extra weight

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8. Salmon: If you’re craving something a little more hearty than lean meat, why not swap out that steak for a succulent slab of salmon? This fish offers up a variety of nutrients that our bodies need while on a diet, including healthy fats, vitamins and lots of protein

9. Blueberries: We don’t like to discriminate, but blueberries do stand out from the masses when it comes to eating right! They are packed with key nutrients like fiber and vitamins, and are also known for their anti-aging effects.
10. Wine: Alright, be sure to take this recommendation with a grain of salt! Wine contains an

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