Get Rid Of Belly Fat With These Home Exercises

Get Rid Of Belly Fat With These Home Exercises

1. Board (Kumbhakasana)
The board pose proves to be nearly a full body workout. This move focuses on the thighs, buttocks, shoulders, back, and the stubborn belly area.
How to do it:
Step 1: Start in a pose similar to a push-up with your arms extended under your knees and hands positioned under your shoulders and arms.
Step 2: Breathe in as you gaze ahead of your hands. Take care to keep your back and spine straight.
Step 3: Keep your hands flat and your fingers spread as you pull in your abdominal muscles.
Step 4: Remain in this position for 15-30 seconds before releasing to your knees.
Step 5: Repeat this pose 5 times with a 15-second break in between.

2. Wind Easing Posture (Pavanamukthasan)
The wind easing posture is a great pose for soothing lower back pain, strengthening your core, hips, and thighs. It has even been used to promote healthy pH levels and increase metabolism.
How to do it:
Step 1: Lie on your back with your legs stretched out with your heels touching each other and your arms at your side.
Step 2: Breathe out as you bend your knees as you move them toward your chest.
Step 3: Hold your knees as you pull them closer into your body
Step 4: Tighten your thighs and apply pressure to your abdominal muscles as you hold the position.
Step 5: Hold the position for 60-90 seconds as you breathe deliberately and deeply.
Step 6: Breathe out and release the knees as you allow your arms to rest on your side.
Step 7: Repeat 5 times with a 15-second break between each pose.

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3. Pontoon Posture (Naukasana)
The pontoon pose focuses on the back and leg muscles which ultimately helps reduce stored fat in the waist.
How to do it:
Step 1: Start in a lying position on your back with your legs stretched out and your arms down at your side.
Step 2: Inhale as you lift your legs up while stretching your toes and feet. Your legs should remain straight.
Step 3: Form a 45-degree angle with your body by reaching your arms toward your extended legs.
Step 4: Breath normally as you hold the post for 15 seconds.
Step 5: Release the pose and allow your body to rest for 15 seconds.
Step 6: Repeat the pose 5 times with a rest in between each one.

4. Bow Posture (Dhanurasana)
The bow posture is ideal for strengthening the core and tightening abdominal muscles. It offers a full body stretch that increases energy and promotes easy digestion.
How to do it:
Step 1: Lie stomach down on the mat with your legs stretched out and your arms to your side.
Step 2: Bend the knees upward while reaching your arms back to hold your ankles or feet.
Step 3: Hold the position 15-30 seconds while breathing normally
Step 4: Exhale and return to the lying position allowing your body to rest for 15 seconds.
Step 5: Repeat 5 times with rest time in between each pose

5. Cobra Posture (Bhujang asana)
The cobra pose strengthens the spine and upper body — it proves to be a multi-muscle workout. An article published on Healthy Food Housestates that this pose is not recommended for people who suffer from a hernia or back injury or women who are pregnant.
How to do it:
Step 1: Start by lying stomach down on the mat.
Step 2: Stretch your legs away from your body as you pull your arms in under your shoulders
Step 3: Allow your toes and chin to touch the floor.
Step 4: Breathe in deep and slow as you thrust your body chest upward.
Step 5: Hold the pose for 15-30 seconds and slowly exhale.
Step 6: Rest for 15 seconds.
Step 7: Repeat 5 times with a break in between each pose.

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