Blast Your Back With Triple Drop Pre-Exhaust


Let’s continue with some more “Triple Drop Pre-Exhaust” ideas like I mentioned in the last issue, but this time for working your back.

“Pre-exhaust” involves using an isolation exercise immediately before a compound exercise to pre-fatigue the muscle without involving the secondary muscle groups.

For example, to pre-exhaust the pecs you would do a set of pec-deck or lying dumbbell flyes to failure immediately followed by flat or incline bench press.

The idea is this: The pec-deck or flyes works the pecs without involving the delts or triceps. So although your pecs are fatigued, your delts and tris are fresh so you can further blast your pecs by doing a set of bench presses immediately after the pec-deck or flyes.

I like another technique that utilizes the pre-exhaust idea in a different manner. In this issue let’s use lats for example. Pick an isolation exercise for the lats. The only isolation exercise for the lats that does not directly involve the biceps is the pullover. If you have access to a Nautilus or Hammer Strength pullover machine, then great…use it! If not then you’ll have to substitute dumbbell pullovers.

Select a weight that will allow you to complete 10 to 12 reps of the Pullover in good form with the last rep being the last one you can possibly complete without help. In other words, go to failure. Immediately reduce the weight approx. 30% and do another set without resting. Take that set to failure for however many reps you can complete. Again immediately reduce the weight approx. 30% and do a third set without resting. Take this third set to failure for however many reps you can complete.

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Now rest about a minute and do a compound exercise for your lats. Let’s use the Reverse Grip Pulldown for this example.

Your lats should be fairly fatigued if you performed the Pullovers as intensely as I described. Select a weight that allows you to complete 10 to 12 reps to failure. The weight you’ll use will probably be significantly less than you normally use because of the pre-exhaust we did on the Pullover. Now just like on the Pullover, complete your first set to failure then immediately reduce the weight approx. 30% and do a second set without resting. Again immediately reduce the weight approx. 30% and do a third set to failure without resting.

This is a pretty intense technique and should probably only be utilized very sporadically. In fact, I would recommend waiting at least 7 days before you train lats again after a session of “Triple Drop Pre-Exhaust”.

By Doberman Dan, author of “Hyper Growth Muscle Mass Training”

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