How To Lose Weight According To Your Body Type

How To Lose Weight According To Your Body Type

Here is each body type and some common attributes that make up each type. Each body type will also be explained in terms of strengths and weaknesses. Each has it’s own, so you can decide the best way to use your strengths to your advantage.The Ectomorph Body TypeThe ectomorph can be easily spotted in any weight room. They are often below the average weight for their height and have a skinny appearance. Ectomorphs tend to have very high metabolisms and often complain of relentless eating with little to no weight gain.Common Ectomorph Characteristics Include: Small joints, skinny appearance, hyperactive, fast metabolism, can eat whatever they want, gets full easily, small chest and buttocks, difficulty building muscle, difficulty gaining weight, low body fat, and a narrow frame.Examples of female ectomorphs include: Kate Moss, Audrey Hepburn, Cameron Diaz, Calista Flockhardt, and Gisele Bunchen

– Ectomorph Training Tips: Train heavier with repetitions in the 5-10 range, Take longer rest breaks (due to higher weights used), Do compound lifts, Do not do cardio, but if you must do HIIT. (high intensity interval training)
– Ectomorph Dieting Tips: Eat high density weight gainers for added calories, Try high density foods such as almonds, avocado, or peanut butter. Break calories up into several small meals if you cannot stomach big meals. Eat at least 50-60% carbohydrates, drink tons of milk.The Endomorph Body TypeThe endomorphic body type is the complete opposite of an ectomorph. This individual will usually be larger in appearance with heavier fat accumulation and little muscle definition. They find it hard to drop the weight even though they try several diets or workout programs.Common Endomorph Characteristics Include: Large amount of fat accumulation, often fatigue easily, Insatiable appetite, try various diet and exercise programs to failure, cannot seem to drop weight, eat larger meals or several smaller sized meals, low muscle definition due to adipose tissue, and have a larger frame… If u happen to know friends that are looking to loose weight but need some beginner advice tag them to know more…

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– Endomorphs Training Tips: Train in the 15+ repetition range, Take 30-45 second rest periods between sets, Do as much cardio as possible! Do compound lifts to burn more calories.
– Endomorphs Dieting Tips: Portion your meals appropriately- 1 fist size equals one serving. Eat 30-40% carbohydrates. Eat non processed foods and get whole grains. Eat tons of vegetables to keep you full, and drink plenty of water to keep you full. Don’t flash diet (cut out things cold turkey). Divide your daily caloric intake by 5-6 meals. Take in 200-500 less than your maintenance caloric intake.The Mesomorph Body Type Everyone recognizes the mesomorph. He is the high school jock that seemed to put on muscle just by looking at weights while also maintaining a very lean physique. The mesomorph is somewhat in between the ectomorph and the endomorph and as such, display qualities from both. He has a larger frame (bone structure) as the endomorph does, but a low body fat percentage as the ectomorph has. You could say this is the aspiring body type that everybody wants.Common Mesomorph Characteristics Include: Symmetrical build, wide shoulders, small waist, low body fat, large musculature, seems to put on muscle easily, seems to burn fat easily, and eats in moderation.Examples of female mesomorphs include: Jennifer Garner, Tina Turner, Halle Berry, Angela Bassett, and Anna Kournikova.

– Mesomorph Training Tips: Training in the 8-12 repetition rep range, 30-1 min rest periods between sets, and enough cardio to stay lean but not a ton
– Mesomorph Dieting Tips: Keep carbohydrates at 40-60%. Portion meals by balling up your fist – that’ 1 portion size. Break meals into 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day, and eat enough calories to maintain muscle mass.Body Type Combinations. Now it is not only possible that you are a combination of the above three body types, but probable! Think about it, what are the odds that you fit exactly into one of the three types perfectly? You are most likely able to identify yourself with one over the other two, but you still might have qualities of sof some of the others.

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