How To Get Your Abs Visible In Just 28 Days !

How To Get Your Abs Visible In Just 28 Days !

Find Out How To Get Your Abs Visible In Just 4 Weeks !

For many of us the summer is just around the corner, which means we’ll obviously want to be in the best physical shape we can possibly be in. Every single summer people from all over the world flock to gyms and health clubs in order to improve their bodies in an attempt to achieve that elusive “beach body” look that so many people strive for. As far as a lean, muscular, and aesthetically pleasing physique is concerned, many people agree that a set of washboard abs is the absolute pinnacle of physical perfection.How To Get Your Abs Visible In Just 28 Days !

Six packs are synonymous with fantastic looking bodies as they’re so hard to achieve and they look pretty great on us as well. The problem with achieving a fantastic looking six pack is the fact that actually building yourself one is considered so difficult. There are not that many detailed ab workout routines out there, and depending on who you talk to, you’ll probably be told something different every time. How To Get Your Abs Visible In Just 28 Days !

People think that you need to do around 1000 sit-ups a day to build your abs, when in actual fact, 3 exercises consisting of around 3 sets of 20 – 30 reps is more than sufficient enough.

Another common myth is that people think by simply training their abs that they can still get a six pack, even if they’re carrying large amounts of body fat. For the abs to become visible, your body fat needs to be around 12% or lower, so now that that’s cleared up, let’s take a look at a routine that is guaranteed to sculpt your abs in just three weeks.

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Stomach crunches are great for really hitting the upper and middle abdominals, which is why they’re included in this workout. Here’s a look at how they’re performed.

– Start off by laying down on your back, with your knees bent and your feet placed flat on the ground, hip-width apart from one another.
– Next, cross your hands across your chest and slowly curl your body upwards towards your knees until your shoulders are around two or three inches off the ground.
– Hold this position for a second or two and then slowly lower your shoulders back down to the starting position.
– Repeat this process for a further 3 sets of 15 – 20 reps.

Leg Raises

To really target the lower abs and the obliques at the side of your abdominal wall, leg raises are perfect and are so easy to perform. Here’s what to do.

Begin by laying down flat on the floor with your legs together and outstretched in front of you.
– Plant your palms firmly on the ground next to you, and then slowly raise both of your legs, still together, up into the air until the soles of your feet are pointing at the roof.
– Your body and legs should now be in roughly a 90 degree angle.
– You should now lower both of your legs at the same time, down to the ground.
– Make sure they’re together and lower them until you stop around one inch from the floor.
– Make sure you don’t bounce your legs from the floor, and then bring them back up to the initial starting position.
– Repeat for a further 3 sets of 20 – 30 reps.

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Bicycle crunches

To really finish off the abs, bicycle crunches are ideal because they hit the upper, middle, and lower abdominals, as well as the obliques as well.

Lie down on your back and place both of your hands behind your head.
– Bring your knees into your chest and then bring the shoulder blades up off the ground, making sure not to pull on your neck.
– Rotate to the right, bringing the left elbow up to the right knee as you straighten your other leg.
– Next simply switch the order so, right elbow to left knee, left elbow to right knee and so on.
– Repeat for a further 3 sets of 12 – 15 reps.

This workout does not need to be performed every single day, in fact, it’s ideal if you perform this workout no more than three times a week. Within 4 weeks you’ll be able to notice a definite improvement in the way your abs look and feel.

Again, you can build your abs, but nobody can see them if they are under a layer of fat. So make some effort to watch your food, do some carb cycling or intermittent fasting during these four weeks.

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