Unsatisfied with your bench press numbers? This effective peaking cycle ramps up the intensity week in and week out, providing you with plenty of bench-building volume.
Workout Description
This peaking cycle will be performed one day per week. You must know your max (or approximate max) before starting. If you are unsure, run a test day and then take a complete week away from bench press training before starting this program.
Here is your weekly bench press work:
Week 1 – 8 sets x 8 reps @ 55% of your one rep max (1RM)
Week 2 – 5 sets @ 80% of 1RM…5, 5, 5, 5, 5 reps
Week 3 – 7 sets x 7 reps @ 60% of your 1RM
Week 4 – 5 sets @ 82.5% of 1RM…4, 5, 5, 5, 5 reps
Week 5 – 6 sets x 6 reps @ 65% of your 1RM
Week 6 – 5 sets @ 85% of 1RM…3, 4, 5, 5, 5 reps
Week 7 – 5 sets x 5 reps @ 70 of your 1RM
Week 8 – 5 sets @ 87.5% of 1RM…2, 3, 4, 5, 5 reps
Week 9 – 5 sets x max reps @ 75% of your 1RM
Week 10 – 5 sets @ 90% of 1RM…1, 2, 3, 4, 5 reps
Week 11 – 5 sets x max reps @ 80% of your 1RM
Week 12 – 4 sets @ 92.5%of 1RM…1, 2, 3, 4 reps
Week 13 – 4 sets x max reps @ 85% of your 1RM
Week 14 – 4 sets @ 95% of 1RM…1, 2, 3, 4 reps
Week 15 – 4 sets x max reps @ 90% of your 1RM
Week 16 – 3 sets @ 97.5% of 1RM…1, 2, 3 reps
Week 17 – 3 sets x max reps @ 90% of your 1RM
Week 18 – Test your new one rep max
If you can’t perform all the reps per set, don’t sweat it. Do your best, and perform as many as possible. Missing a rep here or there doesn’t mean the program isn’t working.
Bench Press Workout
Peaking Cycle
Exercise Sets Reps
Bench Press See above
Dumbbell Bench Press 3 10
Close Grip Incline Bench Press 4 6-8
Skullcrushers 4 8-12
Rope Cable Tricep Extensions 4 10-15
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