Challenge 18 Week Bench Press Peaking Cycle

Challenge 18 Week Bench Press Peaking Cycle

Unsatisfied with your bench press numbers? This effective peaking cycle ramps up the intensity week in and week out, providing you with plenty of bench-building volume.

Workout Description
This peaking cycle will be performed one day per week. You must know your max (or approximate max) before starting. If you are unsure, run a test day and then take a complete week away from bench press training before starting this program.

Here is your weekly bench press work:

Week 1 – 8 sets x 8 reps @ 55% of your one rep max (1RM)
Week 2 – 5 sets @ 80% of 1RM…5, 5, 5, 5, 5 reps
Week 3 – 7 sets x 7 reps @ 60% of your 1RM
Week 4 – 5 sets @ 82.5% of 1RM…4, 5, 5, 5, 5 reps
Week 5 – 6 sets x 6 reps @ 65% of your 1RM
Week 6 – 5 sets @ 85% of 1RM…3, 4, 5, 5, 5 reps
Week 7 – 5 sets x 5 reps @ 70 of your 1RM
Week 8 – 5 sets @ 87.5% of 1RM…2, 3, 4, 5, 5 reps
Week 9 – 5 sets x max reps @ 75% of your 1RM
Week 10 – 5 sets @ 90% of 1RM…1, 2, 3, 4, 5 reps
Week 11 – 5 sets x max reps @ 80% of your 1RM
Week 12 – 4 sets @ 92.5%of 1RM…1, 2, 3, 4 reps
Week 13 – 4 sets x max reps @ 85% of your 1RM
Week 14 – 4 sets @ 95% of 1RM…1, 2, 3, 4 reps
Week 15 – 4 sets x max reps @ 90% of your 1RM
Week 16 – 3 sets @ 97.5% of 1RM…1, 2, 3 reps
Week 17 – 3 sets x max reps @ 90% of your 1RM
Week 18 – Test your new one rep max


If you can’t perform all the reps per set, don’t sweat it. Do your best, and perform as many as possible. Missing a rep here or there doesn’t mean the program isn’t working.

Bench Press Workout
Peaking Cycle
Exercise Sets Reps
Bench Press See above
Dumbbell Bench Press 3 10
Close Grip Incline Bench Press 4 6-8
Skullcrushers 4 8-12
Rope Cable Tricep Extensions 4 10-15

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