A New Year’s Revelation


So, how is that New Year’s “resolution” working out for you?  Chances are, not so good.  While the estimates vary, some research has shown as high as 80% of Americans give up on health-related resolutions within the first 14 days and less than 15% of all resolutions actually stick throughout the entire year.  Need proof, compare the number of people lingering and socializing in your gym during the first week of January to the number of individuals grinding it out in April.  During resolution season it is virtually an all-out Royal Rumble in the cardio section whereas you can evaluate the optimal TV viewing angles of 10 different treadmills before hopping on one by autumn.

Why is this? The desire for physical change and a healthier life-style is real, isn’t it?  Of course, but there are so many different elements working against you that the feat becomes almost impossible.  There are few things more frustrating in the realm of fitness than a gym packed full of individuals that seem to be there to simply talk, find a date and hog the equipment while doing so.  A week of that may force just about anyone to quit going.  Fortunately, there are at least three great ways to deal with this problem.  1. Stick it out; most of them will be gone soon anyway.  2. Find a smaller, privately owned gym or studio; these gyms attract a much more dedicated crowd.  3. Stop making a commitment to change in January 1st!  There are 364 other days you can choose to make a change.  I don’t understand why the presence of champagne and ugly hats is necessary for this to happen.

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However, the larger problem at hand is that most people take on a very large change that requires a great deal of commitment, but they fail to treat it as such.  Its is like having a child and acting like you just got a new cat; it isn’t going to work out for you.  Getting your health back and trying to drop (or gain) some weight is not as simple as aimlessly wondering to the gym a few day per week, eliminating McDonald’s and limiting yourself to two sodas per day.  This change is going to require structure to actually morph into a legitimate resolution.  For starters, pick a long-term goal and work backwards from that point to set numerous short-term and realistic goals.  Second, develop a written and specific plan to achieve these goals; including a detailed meal plan and a specific exercise schedule.  These two additions alone will make a world of difference.

Even if you have already fallen off the wagon, you can by all means hop back on with a new outlook and a few simple but powerful weapons to add to your arsenal.  This really can be your year to change; don’t allow yourself to be in the same exact position at this time next year.  Let this New Year’s revelation help you succeed at your resolution.

By Lucas Irwin (unbreakablegear)

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