10 Tips to Exercise More Often

10 Tips to Exercise More Often

Do you want to perform better at work, sleep better, think more clearly, have more energy and live a healthier life? If so, regular exercise should be on your list of to-dos nearly every day of the week. Research has shown us again and again that those of us who exercise regularly get all the aforementioned benefits. However, knowing that you should exercise regularly and actually exercising regularly are two entirely different mindsets. Here are 10 tips to exercise more often so you can motivate yourself to get all the benefits of living an active, healthy life.

1. Start Your Day with Exercise
If you are the type of person who gets worn down by days end and would rather slunk on the couch than hit the gym you might be better off making it a habit to exercise first thing in the morning. It is a great way to start the day, get your metabolism jump-started, and gives you energy for the rest of the day.

2. Make it a Point to Exercise on Monday
Starting your week with exercise sets a psychological pattern for the rest of the week and puts your body and mind in exercise mode.

3. Feel Good about Yourself Even for the Smallest Workout Sessions
There are no hard and fast rules that say you have to push your body to the limits each time you work out. If you are really true to yourself, you can pat yourself on the back for a 10-minute run, a little bit of yoga, or a few minutes of body weight exercises.

Related article:  Gain Muscle Mass Using Only Dumbbells With 10 Demonstrated Exercises

4. Don’t take Two Days in a Row Off
Working out can often be the most inconvenient thing in your life but it doesn’t mean you should put it off for days at a time. Make it a personal rule to never go more than one day without working out.

5. Exercise Comes in Many Forms
Picking up a game of racquetball, chasing the kids around the playground, going for a walk or hitting the gym… exercise comes in a lot of forms. However, this doesn’t mean that you are an active person just because you play tennis twice a month. Whatever you are doing, make sure you are doing it at least three times a week.

6. Reward Yourself by making Exercise more Enjoyable
There has been research that has found, for example, the clothing you wear can trigger mental changes that positively affect your performance. This psychological phenomenon, called “enclothed cognition,” shows that the mind connects workout attire with enhanced performance. A new workout outfit may or may not be your ideal reward, but think along the lines of ideas that improve your routines with fun items like a new mp3 player, high tech fitness device or fancy shoes.

7. Walking Counts as Exercise
A simple walk for at least 30 minutes is more effective than you might think. It is a chance to clear your mind, connect with your significant other, and get your heart rate picked up a notch. Ever wonder why Europeans stay so thin? They are always walking!

8. Bring Your Workout Clothes with You
Think there might be a chance you can get in a workout at lunch or after work? If you bring your clothes with you you’ll be better prepared to get it done.

Related article:  50 Awesome Pre- and Post-Workout Snacks

9. Join a Group Fitness Class
In addition to the built-in fitness component, the camaraderie and friendships you make from hanging out with like-minded people will make you want to come back again and again. These classes are also placed on a set schedule making it easier to designate that time of day for your workout. 10. Hire a Personal Trainer If the financial commitment is not enough, the social element of meeting up with someone whose sole job is to motivate you and get you in the best shape possible will be. Personal trainers can make working out fun and add an additional social element that you may seek while at the gym.

10. Hire a Personal Trainer
If the financial commitment is not enough, the social element of meeting up with someone whose sole job is to motivate you and get you in the best shape possible will be. Personal trainers can make working out fun and add an additional social element that you may seek while at the gym.

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